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10 Strongest Human Warriors from the Dragon Ball Universe

Chi-Chi, Tien and Uub from Dragon Ball Series

10 Strongest Human Warriors from Dragon Ball Universe

The Dragon ball universe is packed with powerful fighters, but Earth's very own human warriors have proven to be worthy to be ranked high amongst some of the best. While Saiyans and Namekians may dominate the universe's power rankings, Earth's human warriors have repeatedly demonstrated their incredible strength, resilience, determination and bravery when it came time to defend their loved ones and planet. Although Goku, Vegeta and Piccolo typically save the day, it's not without the support from some of their fellow, human friends who also step in. Here are 10 strongest human warriors who have shown their tenacity and fighting spirit to fight along side some of Dragon Balls Saiyan's and Namekian's in the Dragon Ball universe.

  1. Chi-Chi

    Chi Chi is the daughter of the Ox-King, the wife of Goku and mother of Gohan and Goten. Chi-Chi is a loving mother who is strong-willed and can present a fiery-personality. She has the desire for a normal however understands that her world would not exist if it weren't for Goku. Chi-Chi may not like the idea of fighting and even discourages Goku from it but the fact is, Chi-Chi is also a fighter. When her family is threatened, espcially her children, Chi-Chi will release her inner fighter and will do whatever it takes to protect her family.

  2. Yamcha

    Yamcha was a former desert bandit before joining Goku and his circle of warrior friends. Yamcha had his own expertise in martial arts before meeting Goku and and was known for his powerful energy attack called the Wolf Fang Fist. Later in his journey after joining Goku, he was trained by Master Roshi at the Turtle School where he also mastered the Kamehameha wave. Unfortunately, Yamcha doesn't get much love from Dragon Ball fans and jokes are often associated with his character. Although Yamcha might not have the ability to transform into a Super Saiyan, Yamcha has still proven to be a beneficial ally to the Saiyan warriors.

  3. Master Roshi

    Dragon Ball wouldn't be what it is today without Master Roshi. He is a wise, goofy, perverted but yet master in martial arts who mentored Goku, Krillin and other Z-Fighters in the Dragon Ball series. Despite Master Roshi's age, he is incredibly strong from his centuries of training in martial arts. His abilities include yielding his chi and energy blasts such as the Kamehameha, hand-to-hand combat and through his unconventional, rigorous training, he maintains his body and mind that enable him to fight at a high level despite his age.

  4. Tien Shinhan

    While Tien Shinhan is considered to be human in the Dragon Ball series, it's important to note that he comes from an ancient, alien race called the triclops. Becuase he is far descended from the original race, he is considered human. Tien Shinhan was introduced an an antagonist character but soon became one of Goku's friends. Tien Shinhan is a skilled martial artist known for his unbelievable strength, high level of endurance, mental fortitude and unique abilities such as the solar flare, Tri-beam and cloning his himself.

  5. Uub

    Uub is personally one of my favorite characters in the Dragon Ball series who is the human reincarnation of Majin Buu. Although he was introduced shortly in the Dragon Ball Z series when he faced off with Goku in World Martial Arts Tournament, he played a significant role in Dragon Ball GT. Uub is a poor, kind-hearted boy from a faraway village, who later discovers that he possesses an incredible amount of strength and power after training with Goku. Under Goku's guidance, Uub developed the abilities of impressive combat skills, the ability to perform energy-based attacks and had the ability to boost his energy when channeling his inner Majin Buu.

  6. Krillin

    Next to Goku, Krillin plays one of the most important roles in the Dragon Ball series. Krillin was one of two of Master Roshi's students; the second being Goku who later becomes his closest friend. Through years of training and battle, Krillin became one of the rare human beings who could stand toe-to-toe with some of the most powerful threats, despite not having the same level of power or the ability to transform like the Saiyan race. Under the guidance of Master Roshi and his own experiences, Krillin built himself into a formidable fighter with unbelievable combat skills and learned how to utilize his ki energy to perform the Kamehameha energy blast and the energy destructo disc. Throughout the series, Krillin consistently improved his skills and abilities that made him one of the most strongest humans in the Dragon Ball universe.

  7. Future Mai

    In the early series of Dragon Ball, Mai is introduced as one of emperor Pilaf's minions, next to Shu, the ninja looking dog. As a trio, they were on the hunt to find all the Dragon Balls and always encountered altercations with Goku and his friends. Although early Mai is not considered a Z-Fighter and never played a major role in the early series of Dragon Ball, Future Mai is the leader of the resistance to fight back against Goku Black and is the closest ally to Future Trunks. Although Future Mai lacks the ability of muscular strength and fight skills, she still has the resiliency and mindset of a fighter to save her world.

  8. Yajirobe

    We can't forget about one of the earlier characters from the Dragon Ball series, Yajirobe! Yajirobe is considered a Ronin who spends most of his time with Korin in Korin Tower. Although Yajirobe does not have any ki-power abilities, he has proven to have more-than-average strength, ultimate speed and has impeccable swordsmanship skills which came beneficial when he cut the tail off of Vegeta when in his gorilla form.

  9. Videl

    Videl is the daughter of Hercule a.k.a. Mister Satan and wife of Gohan. As the daughter of Mister Satan, she would consistently train to prove herself worthy of her father's legacy. After meeting Gohan in school, she persuades him to teach her how to fly and control her ki-energy to perform energy blasts. With her new found abilities and skills, Videl has proven to be a worthy warrior after going up against and being the last one standing against Broly!

  10. Grandpa Gohan

    Although Bardock is Goku's actual father, Grandpa Gohan is the one who raised Goku to be the kind-hearted man he became. Before Goku's training with Master Roshi, it was Grandpa Gohan who taught Goku not only the basics in martial arts but the essentials to living a fulfilling life. We don't get to see much of Grandpa Gohan in the Dragon Ball series due to his short appearance, but it's apparent that true strength transpires from valuing life which is taught by Grandpa Gohan.


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