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Full Body Calisthenics Workout: Primal Power

full body calisthenics workout primal pwoer

This anime inspired full body calisthenics workout, Primal Power can help warriors build ultimate endurance and explosive power like the primal Saiyans!

There's no doubt that Dragon Ball GT's, Super Saiyan 4 is one of the strongest and most powerful forms in the Dragon Ball universe. Combining the great ape power with the Saiyan transformation yields raw, unhinged, primal power that took both Goku's and Vegeta's fighting abilities to the next level to defeat Omega Shenron! This anime inspired full body calisthenics workout, Primal Power can help warriors take their endurance and explosive power to the next level.

Who's This For?

Suitable for advance levels

Workout Benefits:

Improve explosive power

Improve muscular strength

Improve muscular endurance

Workout Implementation:

To maintain balance between all other training practices, it’s recommended to complete a calisthenics workout at least 3x/week at minimum.

Training Equipment:

Plyo Box

Pull Up Bar

Primal Power Full Body Calisthenics Workout Details:

Complete 10-15 repetitions for each exercise

Complete 3-4 sets for each superset

Rest 60-90 seconds between each superset

Primal Power Full Body Calisthenics Workout:

1. Archer Pull Up + Lateral Box Jumps

2. Flying Push Up + Pistol Squats

3. Negative Chin Ups + Single Leg Box Jumps

Primal Power Full Body Calisthenics Exercise Alternatives:

Archer Pull Ups > Negative Pull Ups

Flying Push Up > Explosive Push Up (No Clap)

Negative Chin Ups > Standard Chin Up

Pistol Squats > Supported Pistol Squat

Single Leg Box Jump > Standard Box Jump

Coach Saikou Notes:

  • Listen to your body when attempting these exercises. These series of exercises are meant for those who have mastered all the basics.

  • When completing the archer pull up, shift weight to one side during the pull phase as if you were completing a one arm up pull up. Alternate weight shift for each side.

  • Complete plyo push ups on a matted surface to decrease the impact from landing.

  • When completing the single leg box jump, swing arms to drive the body up and forward.

  • Plyo box should be at least knee height.

full body calisthenics workout primal power

Disclaimer: All information presented and written within this article are intended for informational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you should choose to follow or participate in any workout, program or practice, you do so voluntarily and do not hold Initial Mile and it's founder responsible for any cause of injury or death. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.

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