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Fight Fit Workout: Star Wars Force Fu

Initial Mile salute illustration overlapping three different jedi

The Jedi have an oath to never attack an unarmed individual but what if the attacker continues on with their mission without weapons? This Star Wars inspired Fight Fit workout, Force Fu will challenge warriors to train defense just as much as offense.

The Jedi may not appear to by physically threatning, however their skills are impeccable and are a force to be recockned with. The Jedi could easily split a droid in half with their saber or use the force to throw an attacker however, it's not common for a Jedi to use such aggression as an initial approach. Additionally, they refrain from harming an attacker and follow a code of not attacking an unarmed individual. So, what happens if the threat continues without weapons? This is not a problem for the Jedi, because they understand the power of defense and deescalating the situation. This Star Wars inspired fight fit workout, Force Fu, will require warriors to train their defense just as much as their offense.

Who's This For?

Suitable for intermediate and advance levels

Workout Benefits:

Practice both offense and defense skills

Improve cardiovascular endurance

Improve muscular endurance

Improve explosive power

Improve patience

Workout Implementation:

To maintain balance between all other training practices, it’s recommended to complete a fight fit workout at least 3x/week at minimum.

Training Equipment:

Punching Bag

Boxing Gloves


Jump Rope

Warm Up:

Complete a 5 minute warm up or complete Initial Mile's Total Body Warm Up.

Cool Down:

Complete a 5 minute cool down or complete Initial Mile's Chi Flow Yoga Routine.

The Workout:

Round 1: Bob and Weave + Up Elbow + Slip Defense + Spin Elbow

Round 2: Low Jab + Straight Back Kick + Bob and Weave + Push Kick

Round 3: Slip Defense + Jump Squat + Bob and Weave + Flying Knee

Coach Notes:

  • Remember the kicking technique basics: Chamber leg and pivot. Extend leg to execute kick. Recoil leg back to bottom. Return to fight stance.

  • Pay attention and alternate kicking legs after each execution where noted to. This will help maintain balance for strength, coordination and skill.

  • When executing the push kick, imagine kicking a door down.

  • When bobbing and weaving, bend at your knees to duck under a punch. Do not fold at your hips.

  • When slipping, keep your shoulders rounded for additional protection around your chin.

  • When jump squatting, imagine an object thrown at your ankles and the jump squat is your defense to prevent contact.

  • When executing the straight back kick, you are executing that kick with your front leg and kicking straight back aiming for your attackers sternum or hips.

Star Wars inspired kickboxing workout Force Fu. Includes elbows, kicks and defense exercises.

Disclaimer: All information presented and written within this article are intended for informational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you should choose to follow or participate in any workout, program or practice, you do so voluntarily and do not hold Initial Mile and it's founder responsible for any cause of injury or death. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.


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