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Gravity Chamber Inspired Fitness Challenge

Pyramid Kick Warrior Challenge

This Gravity Chamber Fitness Challenge was inspired by Dragon Ball's gravity chamber that was used by Goku and Vegeta.

The gravity chamber played a major role in Goku's and Vegeta's training. This includes Goku training at 100x earth's gravity for the battle on Namek and Vegeta training at 300x earth's gravity during the Future Trunks series; just to name a few. This gravity chamber forced both Goku and Vegeta to utilize all their strength to overcome the gravity's resistance thus resulting in enhanced abilities. In our reality, we do not have this technology just yet, however we can simulate this training by adding weight onto our body and decreasing the tempo to our movements. This Dragon Ball inspired fitness challenge, Gravity Chamber Fitness Challenge, will push warriors to work through both controlled tempo and explosive exercises.

Who's This For?

Suitable for intermediate levels

Challenge Benefits:

Challenge self-control

Increase muscle recruitment

Challenge cardiovascular endurance

Challenge muscular endurance and strength

Training Equipment Required:

Weighted vest 25-50 lbs.


Pull up bar

Warm Up:

Complete a 5 minute warm up or complete Initial Mile's Total Body Warm Up.

Challenge breakdown:

Negative Push Ups

Jump Rope

Negative Pull Ups

Straight Punches

Box Jumps

Exercise Alternatives:

Negative Push Ups > 2 second ascend and 2 second descend

Negative Pull Ups > 2 second ascend and 2 second descend

Box Jumps > Squat Jumps

Coach Saikou Notes:

  • It's imperative to understand that incorporating a weighted vest into your training program must be done progressively. Although it is stated to utilize a 25 - 50lb. weighted vest, warriors can start as light as 5 - 10lb. and then progressively increase weight.

  • This challenge was created to simulate Dragon Ball's gravity chamber. It's imperative to utilize a weighted vest to allow full range of motion for each exercise.

  • When utilizing a weighted vest, weighted vest should be fitted properly. This means, minimal bounce when moving, shoulder straps should lay comfortably on your shoulders and body straps should wrap around your waist with minimal slack.

  • "Negative" labeled exercises will require warriors to follow a 3 second ascend and 3 second descend.

Pyramid Kick Challenge

Disclaimer: All information presented and written within this article are intended for informational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you should choose to follow or participate in any workout, program or practice, you do so voluntarily and do not hold Initial Mile and it's founder responsible for any cause of injury or death. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.

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