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Identifying The Creep Content Creators

The world of cosplay is tremendously growing year after year. Cosplayers can be found online streaming while gaming, modeling on social media or can be found at community meet up groups. But the main space where cosplayers can and most likely will be found are at almost any toy, gaming, anime or comic convention and with no doubt, not too far away from these cosplayers you will find either a photographer or videographer. As content creators ourselves, one of our goals is to highlight all you creative, skilled cosplayers by capturing all the details we can through both photos and videos. We know you all work hard on these cosplays and it deserves to be highlighted but of course, only with your permission!

If you're a cosplayer, you understand that "permission" is imperative. Although rare at conventions, not all photographers and videographers understand the concept of receiving "permission" or "consent". As one of the videographers for Initial Mile and as a self-defense instructor, here are some tips to keep in mind when identifying the creep photographer + videographer (creep creators) and protecting yourself at conventions.

  1. Be Mindful of Behvaiors: Yes, these events are meant to be fun where everyone can gather, share stories, laugh and (cos)play however, there is always a barrier that can be crossed. For example, everything is going well with the creator but then they get too comfortable and start to make insinuating, sexual comments or you gave the creator permission to fix your hair (hair only) but starts to reach for areas that don't need "fixing". Whether a comment or gesture, at anytime you feel uncomfortable, walk away.

  2. Aggressive Requests: As a cosplayer, you may have multiple creators ask you to shoot content with them but remember it's your right to say "No. Thank You." Whether if you're truly busy, or simply tired, you don't need any reason to say "No." Unfortunately, some creators may be stubborn and continue to trouble you for your time. Don't let your guard down and continue your effort to refuse the request. If they continue to trouble you, raise your voice, walk toward any security, a random vendor or even another cosplayer to fend off the aggressive creator.

  3. Ask For Samples: If you're approached by a creator who wants to shoot content with you, you have the right to ask for some samples of their work. Unfortunately, if they're just getting started and don't have any samples, this may be a little more difficult to assess the creator, but if they do have samples available, don't look at the quality of work, but take that time to see how many people this creator has actually worked with. If there are a number of cosplayers this creator worked with, it's most likely that the creator is a credible individual who won't give any problems.

  4. Cosplay with a Group: There's no doubt that you can cosplay at conventions alone but to not only make it more fun but more safe as well, cosplay with a group of friends! As a cosplaying group, you make it harder for these rare case, creators to "act a fool". If you don't have a group to cosplay with, remember that the cosplaying community is one of the most welcoming communities so try to build some friendships at the convention.

  5. Scan the Space: If you choose to work with a creator, always scan the area where you're shooting content for potential exit routes and emergency plans. If the creator turns out to be a creep and goes south, where is your fastest exit route? Where is the closest security? Who is the closest vendor? What is your go to defense move for physical self-defense? Is it a punch, knee, kick etc.? What is the closest object that can be used as a weapon to knock this creep out?

  6. Learn Some Type of Self-Defense: Yes, as a self-defense instructor this is a bias point however, it's clear that it would be beneficial to have some sort of background in self-defense whether it's in this type of situation as a cosplayer or outside the world of cosplay. Although there are a number of training styles, my top three in order would be Krav Maga, MMA or Muay Thai.

  7. Don't Shoot Content in Desolated Spaces: Although we agree that the type of lighting can set the vibe for some content, unless you personally know the creator, shoot content in open spaces but close enough to the crowds so you're not truly alone just in case the shoot goes "side ways".

  8. Share Your Location with Friends and Family: If you plan to attend a convention alone, let friends and family know the exact location(s) of where you're going to be throughout the day and share your agenda with them or at the very least share the conventions general schedule.

  9. FOR PARENTS: Conventions are not only made for us adults. There are young teenagers also attending these events and your teenager may be one of them. Attend these events with your teenagers! Unfortunately, it's hard to determine some ages when these individuals are in cosplay and they may be asked to be photographed or be in a video and on the other hand, your young cospalyer may ask a creator to be in photos or videos. If this occurs to your young one, ask all the questions you can. Who are you? Can I see samples of your work? Where will this content be posted? Can I see the content before you share it? Can I have a copy of the content?

  10. Share Your Bad Experience: We hope you cosplayer have never had a bad experience with a creator. However, if you did, please share your experience on all platforms that's available to you. We want to make sure that no other cosplayer works with these creep creators and one way to remove them from the cosplay community is to share it with the world. Share their name, what they look like and the event it took place.

Final Thoughts:

The cosplay community is filled with thousands of creative minds and is a community where we can all share something in common and that's nerding out on our favorite heroe's or villains in cosplay. Let's keep this community thriving as a safe place and keep all the creep creators out of it!

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