This Lemon Blast recipe can help give you a boost of energy before or during a workout.
In the universe of anime, heroes can be found eating or drinking some type of concoction that can revive them or provide a boost of energy. This Lemon Blast combines a small amount of ingredients that come packed with natural compounds that can help give you a boost of energy before or during a workout.
Lemon Blast Details:
Approximate Calories: 82
Number of Ingredients: 7
Lemon Blast Ingredients:
1.5 oz. water - 0 cal.
1 large lemon (juiced) - 12 cal.
1/2 lime (juiced) - 5 cal.
1/2 cup spinach - 3 cal.
1/4 cup blueberries - 21 cal.
1 tablespoon chia seeds - 21 cal.
1 teaspoon honey - 20 cal.
1 cup ice cubes - 0 cal.
Lemon Blast Directions:
Combine the lemon juice, lime juice, spinach, blueberries and chia seeds into blender.
Add the cold water, crushed ice and blend until smooth.
Add the honey and complete an additional, short blend.
Taste and continue to add additional honey if you prefer a sweeter flavor.
This recipe provides a burst of Vitamin C, antioxidants and fiber, making it a drink that can help give you a boost of energy before or during a workout in addition to supporting recovery.
Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietitian. All information presented and written within this article are intended for informational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you should choose to follow and consume any ingredients provided here, you do so voluntarily and do not hold Initial Mile and it's founder responsible for any cause of illnesses, allergic reactions or death. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.