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Pull Up Training with No Equipment

Man doing a pull up

This calisthenics workout, Pull-Up Training With No Equipment, can help warriors improve the strength in the muscles engaged when performing a pull-up.

There's no doubt that completing a pull-up is an amazing ability to obtain however, achieving such a skill doesn't come easy. Believe it or not, completing a pull-up requires almost the entire body. This includes the lats, chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abdominals, glutes and quads. If you're training to complete your first pull-up or improve your current status of pull-up abilities, there are plenty of supplemental options to improve your strength such as completing supported pull-ups with bands, implementing weight machines into your routine to isolate muscles or utilizing dumbbells to perform functional exercises. But what if you're limited to the access of equipment? This short, calisthenics workout, Pull-Up Training With No Equipment, can help warriors improve their overall total body strength that can transfer over into the pull-up exercise.

Who's This For?

Suitable for intermediate to advance levels.

Beginner levels can also follow the circuit however should follow the alternative exercises provided.

Workout Benefits:

Improve muscular strength to improve pull-up abilities.

Workout Implementation:

It's recommended to complete this circuit at least 2-3x a week.

Training Equipment:

No equipment is required

Pull-Up Training Workout Details:

Follow reps. and time length as listed

Complete 3-4 sets of the circuit

Rest 30-60 seconds between each exercise

Pull-Up Training Workout:

  1. Reverse Plank

  2. Bear Crawls

  3. Straight Arm Side Plank

  4. Back Extension + Lat. Pull

Pull-Up Training Exercise Alternatives:

Reverse Plank > Hip Bridges

Bear Crawls > Mt. Climbers

Straight Arm Side Plank > Forearm Side Plank > Supported Forearm Side Plank

Back Extension + Lat. Pull > Back Extension Hold (No Lat. Pull)

Coach Notes:

  • Maintain flat back and hips during the reverse plank. Do not let hips sink.

  • Keep shoulder, elbow, and wrist aligned during the side plank.

  • Keep legs and chest off the floor during the back extension + lat. pull.

calisthenics pull up training with zero equipment

Disclaimer: All information presented and written within this article are intended for informational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you should choose to follow or participate in any workout, program or practice, you do so voluntarily and do not hold Initial Mile and it's founder responsible for any cause of injury or death. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.


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