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Run Workout: Pyramid Run Workout

The Pyramid Run Workout

This pyramid run workout will challenge warriors to complete short, high intense, interval sprints that can help warriors achieve speed and endurance like their favorite anime warrior.

There's no doubt that some of our favorite anime warriors have a prodigious amount of speed and endurance. Goku ran for 177 days across snake way, Saitama runs a 10k every single day for his training and Mash uses his Big Bang Dash to save his friends from dying after being thrown off a cliff. Although it's unrealistic for us to run for 177 days straight or run down a cliff to catch falling friends, we as human warriors can still move at high speeds for extended periods of time more efficiently with proper training. This pyramid run workout will challenge warriors speed and endurance through short, intense sprints.

Who's This For?

All levels

Workout Length:

Approximately 22 minutes

Workout Implementation:

To maintain balance between all other training practices, it’s recommended to complete a run workout at least 1-2x/week.

Training Equipment:

Treadmill or safe outdoor route (maybe your own snake way?!)

GPS Watch or device to track time

Device to track heart rate (optional)

Heart Rate Training Recommendation:

If you decide to train with heart rate monitoring, this workout should be completed in your anaerobic zone at 80-90% of your heart rate reserve. Click here to learn how to calculate your heart rate training zones using the Karvonen Formula.

Run Workout Warm Up:

Complete a 5 minute dynamic warm up or follow Initil Mile's Total Body Warm-up Routine.

Run Workout Cool Down:

Complete a 5 minute cool-down or follow Initial Mile's Total Body Mobility Routine.

Run Workout Details:

Complete run sprints in sequential order.

Complete run workout in the range of 7-8 RPE.

Rest 30-60 seconds between each sprint.

Run Workout:

Sprint 1: 15 seconds


Sprint 2: 30 seconds


Sprint 3: 45 seconds


Sprint 4: 60 seconds


Sprint 5: 60 seconds


Sprint 6: 45 seconds


Sprint 7: 30 seconds


Sprint 8: 15 seconds


Run Notes:

  • Run workout should be completed on a flat running surface.

  • Increase or decrease the rest times as necessary.

  • Notice that you will complete a 60 second sprint twice; Sprint 4 and sprint 5.

  • As the sprint time shortens, increase your run speed.

  • Practice taking long deep breaths between each sprint. Inhale through nose and exhale through mouth.

The Pyramid Run Workout

Disclaimer: All information presented and written within this article are intended for informational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you should choose to follow or participate in any workout, program or practice, you do so voluntarily and do not hold Initial Mile and it's founder responsible for any cause of injury or death. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.

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