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Warrior Body 12-Week Weight Training Program

12 Week Muscle Building Training Program

This 12-Week Warrior Body training program can help warriors build muscular strength and muscular aesthetics like some of our favorite fighters in the anime universe.

For warriors looking to increase muscular strength and build a body like some of Dragon Ball's fighters such as Trunks, Gohan, Yamcha, Kale, Caulifla etc. this 12-Week Weight Training Program can help jumpstart your journey however, before you enter your hyperbolic time chamber, there are a few key items to consider before setting expectations and best results.


Understand what your current fitness level is?

What nutrition goals are you shooting for?

Understand the different weight training protocols

Total training volume progression

Learn how to increase training volume

The 2/2/2 rule

How much weight should you add?

Rated perceived exertion scale

What about cardio training?

Training program breakdown

What is Your Current Fitness Level?

Because this 12-week training program includes six days of training per week, understanding your current fitness level and training experience can help determine how many days you should be training a week.

Beginner: 0-6 months of 1-3 days of training per week.

  • Remove all weekend workouts

  • Non-active days are considered rest days.

  • Only complete Monday, Wednesday and Friday workouts for weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8.

  • Only complete 2 out of the 3 strength workouts for weeks 5, 6, 9, and 10.

  • Follow weeks 11-12 as-is.

Intermediate: 3-6 months of 2-5 days of training per week.

  • Remove all weekend workouts.

  • Non-active days are considered rest days.

  • Complete all workouts Monday through Friday.

  • Follow weeks 11-12 as-is.

Advance: 6+ months of 3-6 days of training per week.

  • Follow workout as planned!

What Are Your Current Nutrition Goals?

Are You Bulking?

To start, you'll need to determine if you'll need to bulk or cut weight. In a nutshell, If you're bulking, you'll spend about 1 to 6 months taking in extra calories to achieve your desired weight and aesthetics. During this time, you can commit to this training program, however, achieving muscle definition a.k.a "cut look" or "toned body" is going to be minimal or non-existent. Additionally, it's imperative that you consume more calories than you burn and then depending on your bulking results, you can choose to transition into a cutting phase which can take about 2-4 months. Click Here to calculate your estimated caloric intake based on your daily activity.

Are You Cutting?

If you've already entered a bulking phase and are now looking to cut weight, you'll need to start burning more calories than you consume. The cutting phase may be shorter and range around 2-4 months. Click Here to calculate your estimated caloric deficit based on your daily activity.

Note: I am not a registered dietitian. Calculation's are only to provide a rough estimate for calorie surplus or deficit. If you are seeking additional support for a personal nutrition program, please seek out a registered dietitian.

The Types of Weight Training Protocols

Going into this program, you'll be completing two different types of weight training protocols which includes hypertrophy (muscle building) training and strength training.

Hypertrophy Training

Hypertrophy training will require you to utilize medium to heavy weight during sessions and follow the protocol below for each exercise:

> Repetitions: 8-12x

> Sets: 3-4x

> Rest: 30-60 sec.

> RPE: 8-9

Strength Training

Strength training will require you to utilize only heavy weight during training sessions and follow the protocol below for each exercise:

> Repetitions: 4-6x

> Sets: 4-6x

> Rest: 2-3 min.

> RPE: 9-10

Total Training Volume Progression

Obviously, results don't appear over night. Throughout your training, it's imperative that you continue to challenge your body each week to earn those "gains". One simple method to assure you are doing this, is to increase your total training volume each week, if not, at least bi-weekly. You can calculate your total training volume by using the following equation below:

Note: For the simplicity of the equation, we will only include exercises that include dumbbells, exercises completed via repetitions and exclude bodyweight exercises.

Total Training Volume = Weight x Sets X Reps.

Week 1 Example:

Push Day 2x Per Week

Chest Press: 50lbs. / 4 sets / 10 reps. = 2,000

Shoulder Press: 50lbs. / 4 sets / 10 reps. = 2,000

Shoulder Raise: 15lbs. / 4 sets / 10 reps. = 600

Tricep Kickbacks: 10lbs. / 4 sets / 10 reps. = 400

Total Volume = 5,000

Total Volume x 2 Push Day Workouts = 10,000

Pull Day 2x Per Week

Back Rows: 50lbs. / 4 sets / 10 reps. = 2,000

Back Fly: 15lbs. / 4 sets / 10 reps. = 600

Shoulder Raise: 15lbs. / 4 sets / 10 reps. = 600

Reverse Grip Curls: 10lbs. / 4 sets / 10 reps. = 400

Hammer Curls: 10lbs. / 4 sets / 10 reps. = 400

Total Volume = 4,000

Total Volume x 2 Pull Day Workouts = 8,000

Leg Day 2x Per Week

Squats: 50lbs. / 4 sets / 10 reps. = 2,000

Step Ups: 50lbs. / 4 sets / 10 reps. = 2,000 (+2,000 due to each leg) = 4,000

Total Volume = 6,000

Total Volume x 2 Leg Day Workouts = 12,000

Total Training Volume For Week 1 = 30,000

How to Increase Training Volume?

You can increase training volume by adding weight to an exercise, adding an additional set or increasing repetitions. However, it's imperative to only add volume in one of these areas per week. For example, you may choose to add an additional set for the chest press in week 2, then add more weight to that chest press in week 3 but maintain the number of sets from week 2, then finally increase repetitions to the chest press in week 4 but maintain the number of sets from week 2 and and maintain the weight from week 3.

2/2/2 Rule

One option to determine if you're prepared to add more volume is by following the 2/2/2 rule which states:

When you can perform two or more repetitions beyond your repetition goal of an exercise for the last two sets for the last two weeks in a row, you can now add more volume.

How Much Weight Should I Add?

It's recommended to increase your weight by 5-10% but no higher than that.

Rated Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale:

The RPE scale is a scale based on how you "feel" throughout your exercise. Understanding the RPE weight training scale and implementing this practice into your sessions can remove the intensity "guess" work, help prevent burnout and help utilize your training time more efficiently. RPE scale range of 6 means you have 4 repetitions remaining in the "tank", RPE scale range of 7-8 means you have at least 3-2 repetitions remaining in the "tank" and the RPE scale range of 9-10 means you have at least 1 or 0 repetitions remaining in the "tank".

What About Cardio Training?

Although cardio training is imperative to any training program, long and high intense cardio is not recommended due to the fact of how many calories it can burn per session. Remember, our goal is to intake as many calories as possible while building mass and muscle; not burn as many calories as possible. If you are concerned about your cardio health, no worries! This 12-Week training program includes two kickboxing days throughout the week that can help maintain or possibly improve your endurance while working toward your muscular strength and aesthetic goals.

Keep In Mind:

Building muscular aesthetics and strength can take more than 12-Weeks of training. Depending on your current fitness level status, this training program can either help you get started toward that goal or can help you achieve the goal within the 12 weeks. As with all training programs, everything is based on commitment and discipline!

Training Program Breakdown:

Weeks 1-4: Push-Pull-Legs Hypertrophy Training

Weeks 5-6: Strength Training

Weeks 7-8: Push-Pull-Legs Hypertrophy Training

Week 9-10: Strength Training

Weeks 11-12: Muscle Specific Hypertrophy Training

Supporting Links:

12-Week Muscle Building Training Program

Disclaimer: All information presented and written within this article are intended for informational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you should choose to follow or participate in any workout, program or practice, you do so voluntarily and do not hold Initial Mile and it's founder responsible for any cause of injury or death. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.

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